Monday, August 12, 2013

More Retro Gaming on its Way!

Hello to my retro gamers out there! If you all havent heard the news, in the latest Nintendo Direct, there were talks about Super Mario Bros. 3 coming to the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U as well.  It has been released on the Nintendo Wii shop a while ago. So if you haven't bought the Wii U or 3DS, no worries. This will be releasing later this year on the eShop for the 3DS and Wii U. Also, now if you do have a 3DS or Wii, you can purchase the Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 2


This has just got in that the Pokemon X and Y bundles in Japan has been officially SOLD OUT on Amazon. Who wants these bundles to come to the US!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Myst Gets a Price Drop on the eShop!

Myst was once a popular title on PC.  But now it hits the 3DS with a bang for only $4.99 now on the eShop.

Official site Now Live in North America Mario and Luigi DreamTeam

The new Mario and Luigi Dream Team website is officially up and running online in North America.  Click the link below now.  Coming to retails and the Nintendo eShop 8/11/2013

August 11 Nintendo 3DS XL Black/Black releases in North America

The Black/black Nintendo 3DS XL will be available in  North America on August 11, 2013.  This will be the 5th color released in North America for the 3DS XL system.  Will you buy one?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Another Link to the Past is back!

Today is a Great day in the land of Link World! Nintendo 3DS eShop Virtual Console is giving you a double  play of Link.  Today The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Ages is available for $4.99 each! This price is for a limited time offer only by Nintendo. For the first time in over a decade, you relive Links adventures and saving the princess once again.  Purchase and play both games to unlock the mysteries and secrets of each game.  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Now Available

Hello Donkey Kong fans! DK is back and he has brought some friends alone with him too.  Today is the release of DKCR 3D! Yes! Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is now out.  You can purchase this game on the eShop of your Nintendo 3DS or 3DS XL.  Check it out.  Now available at Midnight on the eShop.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

My 3DS Friend Code

Hello everyone. For those of you who have a 3DS or XL and need new friend codes, add me as a friend and I will update on Swapnote.  Here is my Friend Code:


3DS XL Now on Sale for $179.99

This is another great Best Buy sell going on this week.  The Red and Blue 3DS XL systems are on sale for only $179.99 now at Best Buy.

KDH 3D 9.99 Today ONLY

Kingdom Hearts is on sale today only for 9.99 @

My Top 3DS Games

Check out the video above please.  Thanks.

Pokemon Distribution Event Ends May 30th

Pokemon had another distribution event this month.  Right now you can get a level 100 Deoxy on Pokemon Black and White Version 2.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Game, bundle and eShop Download

Animal Crossing New Leaf will definitely be on my list of games to get and its coming along with its own bundle.  A Animal Crossing 3DS XL. This game will be released on June 9th.  You may pre-order for all 3.


Its been a while since posted. Back in full effect.  A lot to be said about the 3DS and 3DS XL.  Right now, there are a lot of games that have temporary price drops!  At BEST BUY, there are major titles from now and a couple years back that have price drops such as Mario Kart 7- 29.99 , Fire Emblem Awakening- $29.99 and Castlevania - $24.99 and the list goes on.  Check into your local BEST BUY now to get these great titles and more. 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Fire Emblem Awakening 3DS bundle

Hey guys, its finally here. The fire emblem awakening 3ds bundle is now here. Even though I love the 3ds xl a lot, I don't mind that the limited edition was the regular size one. It looks so nice and beautiful. This system must be kept up. But enough of all talk, here is a photo of my new 3ds.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

SUPER C! on 3DS eShop and Wii shop


Hey guys, here is another great NES classic to buy on the 3DS eShop and your Wii shop.  Its Super C! Another installment in the Contra series. It has 2player action (Download play on 3DS only) This game is surely addictive to any age and generation of gamers.  Its about choosing the best weapons and killing all enemies that stand in your way. Also about reaching the top and best scores.  Challenge your friends, teachers, co workers, family members. See who comes on top or see if you all can go through this game without starting all the way over.  This is now on Wii shop and 3DS eShop. Go check it out. Stay tuned for gameplay coming soon.

Ice Climbers return!

Ice Climbers on eShop

Hey guys, its been a while.  But there are some great characters making a comeback! Meet the Ice Climbers! These guys were seen first on the Facom or in North America as NES. You climb level to level, fighting off your enemies while doing so.  The levels get harder and harder and you have to keep up to speed. If you dont, you use a life.  This game is definitely a must buy from the 3DS eShop.  If you havent tried this game, now you can. Relive the memories of Ice Climbers from NES now on your 3DS.  Its $4.99 on the eShop.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Pokemon Distribution Event Featuring Colorful Kledeo

Hello Pokemon fans! Good news is here! There is a short distribution starting January 25-February 12th.  If you have Pokemon Black 2 Version and White 2 Version, you'll be able to download colorful mythical Pokemon Keldeo. This Keldeo will be able to relearn his signature move Secret Sword once transferred into Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 Versions. It will also get a new Form as well. Click the link below for more details on how to get this mythical Pokemon Keldeo.


Check out Unchained Blades via Club Nintendo

Check out Unchained Blades via Club Nintendo

Check out Anonymous Notes Chapter 3 - From The Abyss - via Club Nintendo

Check out Anonymous Notes Chapter 3 - From The Abyss - via Club Nintendo

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

RUMOR: Pikachu 3DS XL coming to North America

Alright, so the Pikachu 3DS XL was selling like hot-cakes in Japan.  Well, now rumors are out that the Pikachu Special Edition 3DS XL is coming to North America. Well, we know this is because it is coming soon to Chile. Usually when Chile gets something good, North America follows right after.  So pray that this rumor is REAL and not fake. So stay tuned for further information on this great rumor.  I know you all will want to hear the final word. But here is a artbox of the Pikachu 3DS XL.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate comes out March 19

Hey Monster HUNTER fans, monster hunter 3 Ultimate releases in North America on March 19th. This game is also on the Wii U as well. You will be able to battle and online from your 3DS and Wii U. If you have both, your saved files from either system can be transferred. Be on the look out for more news about Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the 3DS and Wii U.

Luigis Mansion has Multiplayer

Good news! Luigi mansion gets multiplayer action. Yay! The only thing is that its only local play. Which means you will need two games and 3DSs for this function. Unfortunately there isn't any online play with this game. But if anything changes, I'll surely be glad to let you all know.

Lego: Undercover City coming to 3DS in April in NA

This is the Wii U Version 

Lego Undercover was just a title for the Wii U. But since the news about the Wii U and 3DS are merging, this game will also be available for the 3DS as well. It will be released in North America on April 19th. Who is excited for this game?

My top 3DS games picks for the spring

Hey my 3DS fans and owners. This is my top 3DS games for the spring I think you all should buy or look into. One good game you all should look into is Unchained Blades. 

This game was on the PSP at first but now available for Vita and the 3DS. You are a dragon who doesn't want to be a human but the Queen turns you into one. On your journey you will be able to capture monsters and train them on your team and use them in battle.  

Another game you all should check out and is now available on the Eshop, Code of Princess. This game is a side scrolling action packed fighting game. Its also in between RPG and fighting as well. There is strategies to this game as well. You are a princess and along her journey she has friends and allies to assist her.  You go on these missions and battle the foes which are both knights and monsters. Each character has their own storylines. You battle and earn points and level up to get stronger. These games are great.

 Also, there is a great DSiWare game, Anynamous Odesey chapter 3. This is an awesome RPG to download. 

Another 3DS game you all should check out is Fire Emblem: Awakening. There is a demo on the eShop now. This demo is great guys. Go download now.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Anonymous Notes 3 on the DSiWare and eShop

Anonymous Notes 3 is the third installment on the DsiWare and 3DS eShop. This is a great rpg game on the go.  Each level you climb up is harder and harder with powerful beast and monsters to destroy.  This game is now available to download via eShop.  The price of this game is $1.99. So check it out.

Mega Man on the eShop

Hey retro gamers and new comers. For those of who might not none, Mega Man turned 25 years old. For this celebration, Nintendo is releasing Mega Man I-VI on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.  Now you can download the 25 year old Mega Man from NES on the 3DS eShop. The price is $4.99 for this game. Below are some screenshots. Gameplay coming soon.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fire Emblem: Awakening bundle 3DS confirmed for NA

Hey Fire Emblem fans of North America. Good news! The Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS bundle has been officially confirmed for North America release. This 3DS is specially designed and will have Fire Emblem: Awakening pre installed on the system.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Fire Emblem: Awakening News

Nintendo of America did confirm that there will  be a Fire Emblem: Awakening 3DS bundle coming North America.  Hoping it will be launched along side the game on launch day which is February 4, 2013.  They also confirmed that there will be a demo available for this game next week on the Nintendo 3DS eShop.